Marching Band Fundraisers Made Easy – #1 Most Profitable Way to Raise Money

June 10, 2021

marching band fundraisers

Profitable Fundraising Ideas for Your Marching Band

  If your teenager is part of a local marching band, it should come as no surprise to you that this is a very expensive undertaking. General participation is quite costly. When you combine that with the competitions and other events that the marching band participates in, these costs skyrocket.

According to an article on the Bloomberg website, the average cost of a marching band comes in at just over $7,000 a year. Marching band fundraisers are not only necessary, but it is also critical to the overall success of the band. The question is, “Are there easy fundraising ideas out there that will render enough profits for marching band participation?” The answer – in short – is “yes”.

marching band fundraiser

Profitable Fundraising is Essential for Marching Band Success

 Music groups – such as your local marching band – requires high levels of financial support in order to properly sustain the program. Common expenses include the musical instruments used in the band, uniforms, tools for training participants, the cost of band camp, band trips, registration fees, concert expenses, and competition costs. When you add all of this up, you will quickly discover that you should only focus on profitable fundraisers that will provide lucrative proceeds.

So, which of all of the easy fundraising ideas will be most profitable for marching band fundraisers? 

The Laundry Detergent Fundraiser

  When it comes to easy fundraising ideas and profitable fundraising endeavors, the laundry detergent fundraiser is considered to be the most popular among marching bands and similar music groups. This particular fundraiser allows your marching band to promote and sell items that everyone uses – laundry products. Since the products are needed by all, you are guaranteed profits. For each bucket sold, your marching band can raise anywhere from $12 to $15 – depending on the overall amount sold. Other fundraisers only provide profits of a few cents on a dollar. Your marching band needs real profits. Out of all of the fundraising ideas out there, this allows you to raise the most money the quickest.

Sudz Fundraising Offers More

  In addition to the laundry detergent fundraiser, there are several other products that we offer here at Sudz Fundraising that can help raise money for your marching band fundraisers. These include candles, batteries, soap and lots of other household goods. Selling is easy when you are part of such a profitable fundraiser. Additionally, you will be selling high-quality products that are appealing to your potential customers. To learn more about how this fundraiser works for marching bands, simply visit the following page today:

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