Sudz Fundraising

3 Ways Churches Can Replace Lost Revenue | Fundraising Ideas for Church

May 6, 2021

3 Ways Churches Can Replace Lost Revenue | Fundraising Ideas for Church

Fundraising Ideas for Church

We all learned a few tough lessons in 2020, and organizations that you never think about having financial difficulties, like churches, are now hurting bad. Everyone has had to learn to pivot, and we are no different here at Sudz. This pandemic had us all spinning, and although things are slowly returning to normal, many church directors are looking for ways to raise money.

Church is an important part of many people’s lives, and is the foundation of their community. When the community and the church are struggling financially, it can be devastating for everyone.

Here are 3 ways your church can using today’s cutting edge fundraising techniques to get in front of your congregation and finally catch back up to where you were pre-COVID, if not even better!

Evergreen Fundraising

“Evergreen fundraising” means that you can raise money year-round. Unlike campaign-style, short term fundraisers you can raise a lot more, throughout the year, with a lot less effort. This includes options like Sudz Fundraising laundry detergent fundraiser, and AmazonSmile where you can choose to donate part of your Amazon order you were going to place anyway!

Live Streams with Donation Button

Live Streaming Services with donation (tithe) button that will allow subscription based tithing just like the envelopes is one of the best fundraising ideas for church. Same concept and mentality, in fact it may be even better because now instead of cash, everyone can pay with their debit card right from home! There are quite a few different software options out there to achieve something like this, but this article might help you get started!

fundraising ideas for church

Virtual Bible Studies

This is one of the fundraising ideas for church that may require some planning and budgeting. You can work with a developer or find a software that does this, but building out a “Virtual Bible Study” platform that is archived and behind a paid membership wall can help to drive a new following and build recurring revenue for your church.

Something thing we all can agree on is that the only constant in life, is change. If nothing else, this past year has proved that and then some! So we hope these different revenue and fundraising ideas help to bring back the funds your church needs to continue to grow and spread your mission.

Could your church use help putting a custom fundraising program together using live streaming, laundry detergent fundraising, and web technologies, to bring back the whole congregation to service? Reach out to me at and let us know. We’d be happy to put together a custom solution to get your church online and bringing in cash.

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