So how much can your group or organization make? It works 2 ways with Sudz Fundraising and the laundry detergent fundraiser, so let’s break this up into two parts.
Introducing all 4 fundraising options
We have recently launched our new web stores and while doing so added 2 more fundraising options. I wanted to go over those with you.
Sudz Fundraising– Our traditional laundry detergent fundraising program that includes laundry detergent, fabric softener, trash bags, and more household items. For a complete list of products CLICK HERE
Route 40 Home & Wellness– All Natural Fundraiser? You haven’t heard of that? This does not surprise me as we havent found anyone else doing this until now. All natural soy candles and melts top the list of the most popular product, followed closely by their first essential oil product called Pain B Gone. There are two products for humans, and two for the furbabies, but they are all natural.
Spiritwear and Kelly’s Boutiques-
With the launch of the web stores we have added 2 more fundraising programs that are web store only. Kelly’s Boutiques brings womens everyday wear to all size women with cute sports mon influenced duds.
Spiritwear takes your logo, and creates awesome designs on several spirtwear apparel items.
2 Ways To Make Money
The 1st option we will talk about is the laundry detergent fundraiser, and all natural fundraiser order forms. Another add on option new this year in 2019 is the webstore. Products on the webstore include Route 40 products, which is our all natural fundraiser. It also includes our Sudz laundry detergent fundraiser, which is our first and most well known program. Your Group Makes 30% Profit.
Since most people spend alot of time online, especially on their smart phones, our new web store fundraising is becoming a popular option. With these webstores you add on our other 2 sister companies who offer spiritwear and womens boutique apparel. This gives you 4 individual fundraising programs together for your group to earn profit from year round. Your Group Makes 15% Profit.