Route 40 Home and Wellness Provides Numerous Fundraising Options

April 2, 2018

If you, your group, or your organization is in need of fundraising ideas, you’ll be pleased to know that Route 40 Home and Wellness now offers numerous options that will allow you to obtain the funding that you need, and fast!

​More Fundraising Options!

We have added Route 40 Home & Wellness to our Sudz Family! Route 40 Specializes in high profit fundraisers, helping schools teams and organizations sell high quality, 100% natural Soy Candles and Melts, and all natural essential oil infused products manufactured in Richmond Indiana. 

The Route 40 Collection offers all natural, hand-made, products that are of the highest quality. Long gone are the days where your fundraising efforts consist of selling unneeded and synthetically-created items. Now, you can promote and sell items that are safe, natural, and will provide many physiological and psychological advantages to those that elect to use them. In this brief guide, you will be introduced to these products.

Do Something Today That Your Future Self Will Thank You For…”Unknown

Pain Relief

Route 40 now offers Pain-B-Gone, which is a topical analgesic that aids in eliminating body aches and pains. It does not matter if the pain is caused by an underlying illness – such as arthritis or diabetes -, stems from overuse, or is a result of an injury, this product is sure to knock it out. When promoting this item during your fundraiser, you may offer it to friends, family, medical facilities, and more!

Bug Deterrent Products

Everyone has a natural instinct and desire to repel pesky bugs and insects. Now, you can promote Bug-A-Way when fundraising. The product uses a combination of 4 essential oils and 7 herbs in order to combat mosquitoes, gnats, and a multitude of other troublesome pests! Best of all, no harmful chemicals are in the product – keeping users safe!

Soy Candles and Melts

Route 40 has a large collection of naturally-created candles and melts that result in beautiful scents. Fragrant products are becoming increasingly popular; however, most are created using dangerous chemicals and ingredients that are known to result in many complications – such as allergies. The products created at Route 40 are created using only natural ingredients that are known to boost the health and the spirits!

Other Products

In addition to all of the previously mentioned products, Route 40 carries a variety of All Natural Pain Remedies including products with Emu Oil and CBD. If you are ready to start making money in your fundraising efforts and have a desire to promote products that will boost the health of those around you, simply visit Route 40 Home and Wellness today to get started:

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